Aloha Rewards 積分獎賞

6 Ways to Earn Aloha Points

(click for details 點擊了解詳情)




Create an account 建立帳戶
Click here to create an account. Once you have successfully created an account, 100 Aloha Points will be added to your account automatically and you will start earning points for every purchase you make! Check your points balance: 1. Log in > 2. Click "Aloha Rewards" tab on the bottom left corner.
點擊這裡建立帳戶。當您成功建立帳戶後,100積分會自動加到您的帳戶,並可立即開始賺取消費積分!查看現有積分:1. 登入 > 2. 點擊左下方的「Aloha Rewards」。
Create an account




Purchase reward 消費獎賞
Earn 1 Aloha Point for every $1 you spend. Your point balance will be updated once payment is confirmed. Purchase reward points for WhatsApp and Facebook orders will be updated within 2 hours after transaction is completed.  Check your points balance: 1. Log in > 2. Click "Aloha Rewards" tab on the bottom left corner.
您每消費$1可賺取1積分,積分餘額會在付款確認後即時更新。透過WhatsApp或Facebook下的訂單, 積分將於交易完成後的2小時內更新。查看現有積分:1. 登入 > 2. 點擊左下方的「Aloha Rewards」。
Check Points Balance




Birthday bonus 生日獎賞
Submit your birthday to receive 100 Aloha Points on your birthday! 1. Log in > 2. Click "Aloha Rewards" tab on the bottom left corner > 3. "Get Points" > 4. "Birthday bonus" > 5. Submit your birthday by clicking "Wish Me A Happy Birthday". Notice: You may not change your birthday once submitted. In order to receive Birthday bonus this year, make sure to enter a date at least one month before your birthday.
輸入您的生日日期讓我們在您的生日贈送100積分給您!1. 登入 > 2. 點擊左下方的「Aloha Rewards」> 3.「Get Points 賺分」> 4.「Birthday bonus 生日獎賞」> 5. 輸入您的生日然後點擊「Wish Me A Happy Birthday」。注意:輸入生日後不能作出更改。如果想今年收到生日獎賞,請在生日前一個月輸入您的生日日期。
Birthday bonus




Write a product review 評論產品
Method 1: Directly on the bottom of any product page (points will be added within 2 hours)
方法1: 直接在該產品網頁張貼您的評論 (積分將於2小時內更新)
Review on page
Method 2: Via after purchase email, which is sent 7 days after your online purchase from <>  (points will be added within 2 hours)
方法2: 透過由 <>發給您的電郵發表產品評論,電郵於您在網站下單後7天發出 (積分將於2小時內更新)
Review email




Visit our Facebook page 到訪Facebook專頁
1. Log in > 2. Click "Aloha Rewards" tab on the bottom left corner > 3. "Get Points" > 4. "Visit our page" > 5. "Visit Page"
50 Aloha Points will be added to your account once the above steps are completed.
1. 登入 > 2. 點擊左下方的「Aloha Rewards」> 3.「Get Points 賺分」> 4.「Visit page 到訪專頁」> 5.「Visit Page」
Visit our page




Share our Facebook page on your Facebook 在Facebook分享我們的Facebook專頁
1. Log in > 2. Click "Aloha Rewards" tab on the bottom left corner > 3. "Get Points" > 4. "Share on Facebook" > 5. "Share on Facebook"
50 Aloha Points will be added to your account once the above steps are completed.
1. 登入 > 2. 點擊左下方的「Aloha Rewards」> 3. 「Get Points 賺分」> 4.「Share on Facebook 分享專頁」> 5.「Share on Facebook」